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Products to enhance our treatments and help you maintain your smile and oral health
From the best and most effective aids to your Invisalign treatment, to professionally endorsed oral hygiene products, we've taken the guesswork out of looking after your teeth and gums
What are they? To get best results from your Invisalign treatment your teeth must fit perfectly in each aligner. By biting down on Chewies each time you put your aligners in, you'll help ensure a snug fit for your teeth; especially useful when you first have new aligner trays.
How do I use them? Biting down on these firm foam cylinders helps to seat your aligners, improving the accuracy of fit over your teeth and speeding up your Invisalign treatment. With proper care, two Aligner Chewies can last for the duration of one tray (aligner). They can be cleaned with soap and water, or diluted mouthwash.
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