Our online store.
Products to enhance our treatments and help you maintain your smile and oral health
From the best and most effective aids to your Invisalign treatment, to professionally endorsed oral hygiene products, we've taken the guesswork out of looking after your teeth and gums
Your new smile is just the beginning.
Without retainers, straightened teeth can gradually shift back towards their initial position. Wearing Vivera ® retainers after your Invisalign treatment or fixed braces means you’re keeping your teeth in their new position, protecting your smile and your investment.
Replacement Vivera ® retainers are:
1. If you have completed Invisalign treatment at Space Healthcare.
New Vivera retainers will be manufactured from your last scan and will be identical to your current retainers. You should be certain that your current retainers fit correctly before ordering replacements. If you are in any doubt, we strongly recommended that you come to see us to check the fit of your current retainers or make new scans before an order is placed.
2. If you completed your treatment elsewhere
Retainers are created using a digital scan of your teeth. We'll need to see you to make this scan before we can order Vivera retainers for you.